Have you ever been asked a question and did not really care about its answer? Sometimes, you would like to show that you have no strong feelings or preference about something.
This is called showing indifference. In this blog post, you will learn how to show indifference in English.
Indifference Meaning
Here is a simple definition of indifference:
Indifference refers to a lack of interest in something or someone. When you are neither for nor against something, you show indifference.
How to Show Indifference in English
Here is a list of expressions and phrases that you can use to show indifference in English:

- It’s all the same to me.
- I don’t mind.
- It doesn’t matter to me.
- As you like.
- Do as you please.
- I’m fine with anything.
- Makes no difference to me.
- I don’t care.
- I really don’t care.
- It’s up to you.
- It’s no big deal.
- I can take it or leave it.
- I’m not bothered.
- Whatever!
- I couldn’t care less!
- Whatever works for you!
- Suit youreself.
- Not bad./ So so.
Show Indifference Examples
Example 1:
A: Do you want to go to the park or stay at home?
B: I don’t mind.
Example 2:
A: Do you want the black pen or the blue one?
B: Makes no difference to me.
Example 3:
A: Where should we sit, near the door or by the window?
B: It’s up to you.
Example 4:
A: Do you want to travel by car or train?
B: I have no preference.
Example 5:
A: Should we order pizza or burgers for dinner?
B: It doesn’t matter to me.
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