The definite article ‘the’ is one of the most common words in English. There is only one definite article in English? What are the 10 use of the? What are some definite article examples?
10 Use of The
‘The’ is a definite article. The is the only definite article in English. What are the 10 uses of definite article?
Before listing the 10 use of the, we’d like you to have a look at the following tips about the definite article the:
- ‘The’ can be used with singular nouns. ( The window is broken.)
- ‘The’ can also be used before plural nouns. (The pens are mine.)
- ‘The’ can be used with uncountable nouns. (You should give me back the money I lent you last week.)
- ‘The’ is the same for all genders.
What Are the 10 Uses of Definite Article?
10 Use of the

10 Uses & 10 Examples of Article The
- ‘The’ is used before nouns that are unique. ( The Earth, the sun, the moon, the sky, the sea, the stars, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, etc.)
- ‘The’ is used when the noun is already known for both the speaker and listener or mentioned for the second time. ( I saw a strange man and a woman. The man was wearing colorful clothes.)
- ‘The’ is used before an adjective that represents a class of people. ( The sick = sick people in general, the rich = rich people in general, the elderly = old people in general, the young = young people in general, etc.)
- The article ‘the’ is used with superlative adjectives. ( The best player, it’s the tallest tower in the country.)
- We use ‘the’ with the names of seas, oceans, and rivers. ( The Atlantic, the Red Sea, the Mississippi )
- The article the is used before the names of musical instruments. ( Alex plays the piano, whereas Tom plays the drums.)
- The definite article ‘the’ is used with the names of certain countries. (The United Kingdom, the United States, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, etc.)
- The + plural family name can be used to mean ‘the . . . family’ e.g. The Smiths = Mr and Mrs Smith (and children), the Clarks = Mr Clark and Mrs Clark (and children), etc.)
- We use ‘the’ with the names of hotels, museums, theatres, and newspapers. (The Sheraton, the Hilton, the Royal Theatre, the National Theatre, the Times, the Guardian, etc.)
- ‘The’ is used before a noun made definite by the addition of a phrase or clause. ( the boy in blue, the woman in red, the man we met last night, the place where we met them, etc.)
What are Some Definite Article Examples Sentences
- The Sun rises in the East.
- The president of the United States is going to make a speech.
- The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
- They are learning to play the guitar.
- The rich are exploiting the poor.
When Not to Use the Definite Article
The definite article is not used:
- Before abstract nouns except when they are used in a particular sense. ( death is inevitable./ All people fear death)
- Before names of meals. ( Let’s eat lunch now/ have you cooked dinner?)
- Before names of games and sports. ( We play football twice a week./ Tennis is my favorite sport.)
- Before indefinite plural nouns. (Cats like milk. i.e. Cats in general)
- The is omitted before words like home, hospital, church prison, school, etc., and also before words like work, town, sea, etc. Here are some examples:
( She is not at home/ He went home/ Go to hospital/ go to school/ go to college/ go to university/go to prison/go to court/ go to bed/he is in hospital/ he is in bed/ she is at school, etc.).
The definite article is not used before the nouns listed above when these places are
visited or used for their primary purpose.
- He went to hospital as a patient. (not a visitor)
- She is in bed sleeping. (not watching TV)
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The Definite Articles Exercises
The following exercises will help you practice the use of the definite article.
- Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences with the definite article “the” when necessary.
- Last night, I watched a film. ………….. film was about a soldier and a beautiful woman. ………….. soldier was in love with …………… woman, but …………woman was in love with another man.
- Could you turn on …………light, please?
- I like ……………..roses.
- We took a taxi to ……………..train station.
- ……… Mount Everest is ………….. highest peak on ………… Earth.
- Because I was not feeling well, I went to ………….. doctor.
- Did you get …………..job you applied for?
- ………….. fruits and ……………vegetables are healthy.
- We are collecting ………….money to help ………………….poor.
- ……………..Japanese are known for being polite.
- My mom listens to ………….radio every day.
- We watch ………….news on ……………….television.
- Let us have …………..dinner in ……………… Asian restaurant.
- ………… ostrich is ……………… largest bird.
- Olivia plays …………piano very well.
- ………….giraffe is …………tallest of all ……………..animals.
- ……….. moon moves slowly round the…….. earth.
- A man and two women were sitting in the car. I think ……. women were Swedish.
- We went to…………… Australia last holiday. It was …………. best holiday I have ever had.
- I love playing ………….. piano.
- Exercise 2: Write the following sentences adding the definite article ‘the’ where necessary.
- Can I go home now, Mom?
- Is Sarah still in bed?
- Let’s go to cinema tonight?
- Do you like it at university?
- I finish work at midday.
- Bed in this room is not comfortable.
- What is your son going to study at college?
- We do not go to church.
- Can you play guitar?
- My father listens to radio when he gets up in morning.
- I enjoy learning English.
- They are at home.
- He joined army when he was 20 years old.
- My doctor said that chocolate is bad for health.
- jacket I liked was too small for me.
- I did not like experience at all.
- Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences using the definite article “the” with these adjectives: (homeless – sick – blind – poor – rich )
- ……………..should help ………………….. because the former have much money.
- The government should provide shelter for …………………….
- My mom is a nurse. She takes care of ………………….
- ……………..use Braille to read and write.
We hope these exercises can help you master the 10 uses of the definite article ‘the’. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to comment below.
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