What Are Stative Verbs in English? Excellent Examples


There are different types of verbs in English. In this article, you’ll learn a variety of stative verbs in the English language. You’ll also learn some stative verbs vs action verbs with examples. First of all, what are stative verbs in English?

What Are Stative Verbs in English?

Stative verbs are verbs that describe a permanent state. In English, stative verbs do not usually have continuous forms. They are usually used in simple tenses. Sative verbs are also called state verbs.

There are different types of stative verbs in English.

What Are the 4 Types of Stative Verbs in English?

What are stative verbs in English? The following are the 4 types of stative verbs in English with examples:

  • Verbs of opinion

Agree, disagree, believe, think, suppose, consider, see, understand, expect, etc.

Example: I believe she’s an honest woman. ( Not I’m believing she’s an honest woman.)

  • Verbs of emotions and feelings

Feel, like, dislike, detest, hate, loathe, enjoy, adore, love, appreciate (= value), forgive, etc.

Example: We like our teacher. (Not we are liking our teacher.)

  • Verbs of the senses

Hear, feel, see, taste, smell, etc. (These verbs express involuntary/ not deliberate actions. They are usually used with can or could).

Example: I can’t hear you. Speak up, please. (Not I’m not hearing you.)

  • Other stative verbs in English

Have (= possess), belong, contain, concern, appear (= seem), possess, own, mean, want, prefer, need, know, require, wish, fit (= be the right shape and size for something), seem, keep (= continue)

Example: I have two brothers and a sister. ( Not I’m having two brothers and a sister.)

Stative Verbs Vs Action Verbs with Examples

Some stative verbs have continuous forms but with a difference in meaning. The following table shows a variety of verbs that can express a permanent state as well as an action with a difference in meaning. Below are some stative verbs vs action verbs used in example sentences.

  • Stative verbs vs action verbs
Present Simple (state)Present Continuous (action)
This soup tastes too salty. (= It has the flavour)Look! She is tasting the soup. (= She is trying the flavour.)
Melissa appears to be working. (= She seems to be working)They are appearing on stage tonight. (= They are performing)
I think she is from Toronto. ( = I believe )I‘m thinking about buying a new house. (= I’m considering)
He is so polite. (That’s his character)He is being so rude to me today. (= He is behaving like that only today).
You can see her from here. (she is visible)I am seeing a dentist next week. (I’m meeting/ visiting)
She has a new car. (= She owns/ possesses a new car).She is having lunch in a restaurant now. (= She’s eating lunch…)
Our boss looks happy today. (= He appears to be happy today.)He is looking at some beautiful paintings. (= He is taking a look at )
This jacket fits you perfectly. (= The jacket is your size)I am fitting a new lock on the door.
(= I am attaching)
He comes from New York. (= He was born in New York)He is coming from New York by car. (= He is travelling from New york.)
The cake smells good. ( = The cake has a good smell.)She is smelling the red roses. ( = She is inhaling the odour of the red roses.)
She is a bit fat. She weighs 90 kilos. (She is 90 kilos.)She is weighing herself. (= She is finding ou her weight.)
He is very tall. (= He has the quality)He is being kind to me these days. (He is behaving in kind way)
I feel (that) I have to leave now. (= I think/ believe I have to leave now.)I am feeling my way in the dark. ( I am finding my way in the dark.)
Stative verbs examples sentences vs action verbs examples sentences

Stative Verbs Vs Action Verbs Exercises

  • Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous ( action vs state verbs).
  1. I ……………………..(think) about travelling to an Asian country.
  2. We …………………..(have) dinner with Tom right now.
  3. I would like to see if I ……………………… (weigh) enough for my height.
  4. They …………………. (see) their boss about a pay rise this afternoon.
  5. We can ……………………….(see) him at the top of the mountain.
  6. I …………………………… (see) you still have a stomach ache.
  7. I ………………………….. (believe) in God.
  8. He is American. He …………………………… (come) from Washington.
  9. Hurry! the bus ……………………..(come). I ………………………….(want) to catch it.
  10. George says he is 96 years old, but I ……………………….(not/believe) him.
  11. They ……………….(have) a large family.
  12. That dictionary …………………………. (belong) to my father.
  13. She …………………(hold) a Master’s degree in Physics.
  14. ………………..(you/ enjoy) your meal?
  15. ……………….(you/ feel) OK, Tim?
  16. We …………………..(consider) moving house because we ……………(need) a larger one.
  17. The teacher has asked the class a difficult question and all the students ………………(think) of an answer.
  18. Going on a picnic …………….. (depend) on the weather. We cannot decide right now.
  19. He …………….(weigh) each box before delivery.
  20. The boss ………………(depend) on his active team to get all the tasks done on time.
  • Exercise 2: Circle the correct form of the verb in the following sentences.
  1. (I never agree/ I’m never agreeing) with what they say.
  2. (I know/ I’m knowing ) he is wrong.
  3. I’m afraid (I don’t remember/ I’m not remembering) where we first met.
  4. (He is watching / He watches ) us.
  5. ( I hate/ I’m hating) cold weather.
  6. You are very quiet. What (are you thinking/ do you think) about?
  7. (Do you like/ Are you liking) fresh fruit?
  8. Olivia (is/ is being) usually rude, but today she (is/ is being) polite to her colleagues.
  9. (I don’t like/ I’m not liking) her at the moment.
  10. (Do you prefer/ Are you preferring) coffee to tea?
  11. My sister (loves/ is loving) chocolate.
  12. My son (hates/ is hating) walking to school every day.
  13. Both my brother and I (want/ are wanting) to become engineers.
  14. I (don’t like/ am not liking) fatty food.
  15. I (am feeling/ feel) terrible today.
  16. Maria (looks/ is looking) fabulous tonight.
  17. The food ( is smelling/ smells) nice.
  18. We ( are having/ have) a big house.
  19. I (hold/ am holding) 3 postgraduate degrees.
  20. I (am understanding/ understand) what you mean.

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