Essential Words Related to Money in English You Must Know


Are you curious about the myriad of terms in English that revolve around money? From cash to currency and dough, the words related to money in English are essential to anyone who wants to improve their financial literacy.

Common Words Related to Money in English with Meaning

words related to money in english

Here is a list of words associated with money with meaning and example sentences.

Money related vocabularyMeaning Examples
Doughan informal way to say money.I do not want to work, but I need the dough.
Cashmoney in coins or notes rather than in credit cards or cheques.Can we eat in? I am short of cash today.
Accountarrangement that you have with a bank to keep your money there.When we moved to New York, one of the first things I did was open a bank account.
Cashpointcash machine.I am looking for the nearest cashpoint to get some money out.
Currencymoney in use in a particular country.I need some local currency to get from the airport to the hotel.
Credit carda card authorizing purchases on creditI should call my accountant to help me with my business accounts.
ChequeWe do not accept cheques in our shop.
Pursea small bag for carrying money, cards, etc. usually used by a woman.She has a leather purse.
Capitalmoney with which a business is started.We have put 20,000 dollars into our new project.
Loanmoney that you borrow from a bank.He took out a loan to buy a new car.
Incomemoney that you earn from various sources such as your job, investment, etc.We should help people with low incomes.
Expensesthe money you spend on goods, services, etc.Your travel expenses will be refunded by the company.
Investingthe act of putting your money into various assets like real estate, stocks, etc. to earn a profit.I am thinking of investing a big amount of my money in real estate.
Interestthe cost of borrowing money; a percentage of the total loan amount.The interest rate is high.
Savings accounta bank account that allows you to save money and earn interest on your deposits.I need to open a savings account soon.
Essential words relating to money with meaning

5 Positive Words to Describe Money in English with Meaning

  • Monetary

Of or relating to money, banking, or investment.

  • Financial

Relating to finance and money.

  • Bankable

It’s likely to make money.

  • Moneyed (also monied)

Having goods or money in abundance.

  • Chrematistic

Relating to or occupied in the gaining of wealth.

5 Verbs Related to Money with Meaning

Here is a list of 5 verbs related to money in English with meaning:

Verbs related to moneyMeaning
Save to keep money so that you can use it later.
Save upto set money aside for future use.
put asideto save money for a specific purpose.
Borrowto take money from a bank or a person and pay it back over a period of time.
Lendto give (someone) the use of money, especially in return for interest paid on it.
5 verbs related to money in English

10 Money Idioms

Here are 10 idioms on money with meanings:

  • Time is money

Time is a valuable resource; therefore, it’s better to do things as quickly as possible.

  • Money talks

This proverb means that wealth gives power and influence to those who possess it.

  • On the money

Accurate; correct (North American)

  • Be made of money

Be very rich (informal)

  • Have money to burn

Have so much money that you can spend as lavishly as you want.

  • For my money

In my opinion /For my taste or preference.

  • Money does not grow on trees

Used to remind somebody that they should not spend money carelessly as it is limited.

  • Save/keep money for a rainy day

Put money aside for a time when it might be needed unexpectedly.

  • Tighten your belt

Spend less money than you did before because you have less money.

A penny saved is a penny earned

Used to encourage others to save money.

Having a strong grasp of money-related vocabulary is not only essential for managing your finances, but it can also be useful in various professional settings.

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