If you are stuck for a word to describe someone or something, try turning to descriptive words that start with n.
Whether you need a word to describe a person, a thing, or a feeling, you’ll definitely find the perfect adjectives starting with n.
Descriptive Words That Start with N
Following is a list of adjectives starting with n:

- Nice
- Nasty
- Natural
- Nacred
- Nadiral
- Naevoid
- Needless
- Nefarious
- Neurological
- Nasute
- Naufragous
- Naughty
- Neat
- Nebulous
- New
- Near
- Necessary
- Never-failing
- Neutral
- Newfound
- Next
- Nifty
- Nihilistic
- Nimble
- Nippy
- Nocturnal
- Noble
- Nonconformist
- Nondestructive
- Nondescript
- Normal
- Noteworthy
- Noticeable
- Novel
- Nubile
- Numerous
- Nutritious
- Nurturing
- Nurtured
- Numerical
- Numinous
- Nutty
- Nuclear
N Words To Describe Someone
Here is a list of descriptive words that start with n to describe someone:

- Nasty
- Naked
- Naive
- Nasty
- Native
- Natural
- Narcissistic
- Narrow-minded
- Naughty
- Nauseating
- Neat
- Negative
- Nearsighted
- Needy
- Negative
- Neglected
- Neglectful
- Negligent
- Nice
- Nimble
- Noble
- Normal
- Nostalgic
- Nosy
- Nonchalant
- Nonconformist
- Non-aggressive
- Non-African
- Non-barbaric
- Nondestructive
- Nonproductive
- Nonpacific
- Nonsensible
- Nonsense
- Nonsensical
- Nontactical
- Nontalkative
- Noxious
- New
- Nervous
- Neutral
- Neurotic
- Notable
- Notorious
- Nimble
- Nifty
- Neighboring
- Neighborly
- Nerdy
- Nervous
- Nervy
- Nippy
- No-good
- Noiseless
- Noisy
- North Korean
- Norwegian
- Nosy
- Nosey
- Noted
- Notorious
- Nude
- Nutty
Adjectives That Start with N to Describe a Person Positively with Meaning
Here are some characteristics that start with n to describe a person positively along with meaning:
- Neat
If you are neat, you keep your home or possessions tidy.
- Nice
Friendly and kind.
- Noiseless
Making little noise or no noise
- Nutty
An informal way to say slightly crazy.
- Nippy
Able to move easily and quickly.
- Nimble
If you are nimble, you are able to move your hands or legs quickly and easily.
- Neighboring
Living near or next to a person or a place.
- Noble
A noble person is someone that you admire and respect because they are unselfish and morally good.
- Normal
Not suffering from any mental problems. ( He is a normal man. I don’t think he has committed that crime.)
- Napoleonic
Characteristic of or relating to Napoleone Bonaparte or his time. ( Our boss has a Napoleonic attitude towards the employees.)
Descriptive words that start with n are varied and numerous and can be very useful in writing.
They can help you create vivid mental images and can make your writing more interesting and enjoyable.
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