List of Exclamations with Meaning: 20 Excellent Examples


The English language is full of exclamations that can be used in daily conversations. They are used to show different emotions and feelings such as excitement, surprise, disbelief, etc.

If you are searching for an exclamation words list, this article will provide you with a list of exclamations with meaning. That is, we’ll look at some common exclamations in English as well as what these exclamations express.

List of Exclamations with Meaning

First of all, what is an exclamation? An exclamation is a short sound, word, or phrase spoken suddenly to express an emotion. The following list contains short exclamations as well as one-word exclamations such as oh, ah, ouch, gee, goodness, etc.

List of Exclamations in English with Meaning

Here is an exclamatory words list:

  • Oh! (surprise, wonder, fear, pain)
  • Oho! (surprise)
  • Oh, well! (resignation)
  • Oh, no! (fear, surprise, disappointment)
  • Oh-oh! (unfortunate circumstances)
  • Oh, boy! (excitement)
  • Ah! (admiration, satisfaction)
  • Aha! (satisfaction, pleasure, triumph)
  • Whew! (relief)
  • Eeeek! (fear)
  • Yuck!
  • Unbelievable! (astonishment)
  • Oh, dear! (surprise)
  • Good grief! (surprise, disapproval)
  • Hooray! (happiness and joy)
  • No way! (expresses disbelief or shock)
  • Holy cow! (astonishment, shock)
  • Oh, how wonderful! (delight and happiness)
  • You’re kidding! (disbelief or doubt)
  • Oh, incredible! (amazement)
  • Oh, that’s awesome! ( excitement and approval)
  • Ouch! (pain)
  • Ow! (pain)
  • Whoops! (clumsiness)
  • Oops! (clumsiness)
  • Mmmm! (tastiness)
  • Hmmm! (thought)
  • Well! (surprise)
  • Well, well! (surprise)
  • Tsk-tsk! (disapproval)
  • Yuck! (revulsion)
  • Ugh! (revulsion)
  • Ahem! ( call for attention)
  • Help! (call for assistance)
  • Psst! (call for attention)
  • Watch out! (warning)
  • Look out! (warning)
  • Watch it! (warning)
  • Brrr! (cold)
  • Gad! (surprise, disapproval)
  • Gee! (surprise)
  • Gosh! (surprise)
  • Wow! ( admiration, astonishment, amazement)
  • Say! (call for attention, remembering something)
  • Darn it! (anger, disappointment)
  • Darn! (anger, disappointment)
  • I’ll be darned! (surprise)
  • Heaven forbid! (surprise, fear)
  • Heavens! (surprise, fear)
  • Good heavens! (surprise, fear)
  • Watch out! (warning)
  • Look out! (warning)
  • Watch it! (warning)
  • Brrr! (cold)
  • Gad! (surprise, disapproval)
  • Gee! (surprise)
  • Gosh! (surprise)
  • Wow! ( admiration, astonishment, amazement)
  • Say! (call for attention, remembering something)
  • Darn it! (anger, disappointment)
  • Darn! (anger, disappointment)
  • I’ll be darned! (surprise)
  • Heaven forbid! (surprise, fear)
  • Heavens! (surprise, fear)
  • Good heavens! (surprise, fear)
  • Heaven help us! (surprise, fear)
  • For heaven’s sake! (fear, surprise)
  • My goodness! (surprise, fear)
  • Goodness! (surprise, fear)
  • For heaven’s sake! (fear, surprise)
  • My goodness! (surprise, fear)
  • Goodness! (surprise, fear)
  • Terrific! (approval, enthusiasm)
  • Marvelous! (delight or wonder at something marvelous)
  • Heaven help us! (surprise, fear)

20 Examples of Exclamation Sentences

The meaning of an exclamation can be understood depending on the context in which it is used. Sentences provide a good context to understand what each exclamation expresses. Exclamatory sentences end with an exclamation mark.

Here are 20 examples of exclamation sentences:

  • Oh, no! I forgot my keys.
  • “I’m so sorry I cannot attend the party.” “Oh, too bad!”
  • Goodness, what a beautiful gift!
  • “I feel sick today” Oh, dear!
  • What a delicious cake!
  • “They have won the World Cup” “Unbelievable!”
  • Look out! A car is coming!
  • Brrr! It’s freezing here!
  • It’s dirty! Yuck!
  • Ahem, can I ask a question?
  • How strange!
  • Ugh! How can you eat that?
  • My word, you returned quickly!
  • I can’t believe it!
  • Hooray! I like it!
  • Look at that dog! Good heavens!
  • Ouch! I did not see the stone!
  • Ow! I have cut myself!
  • Mmmm! How tasty!
  • Gosh! Is it time to go?

Other Ways to Make Exclamations

Exclamations can be made using the interjections in the list above. Yet, there are two other common ways to make exclamations. There are two formulas you can use to make exclamatory sentences.

  • How + adjective

Here are some examples:

  1. How cute!
  2. How beautiful!
  3. How kind of you to help!
  4. How amazing!
  5. How delicious!
  6. How exciting!
  7. How pretty!
  8. How generous he is!
  9. How creative!
  10. How interesting!
  • What + a + adjective + noun

Here are some exclamatory sentences using the above formula:

  1. What a cute baby!
  2. What a nice weather!
  3. What a beautiful painting!
  4. What a strange woman!
  5. What an exciting movie!
  6. What an interesting book!
  7. What a high mountain!
  8. What a generous man!
  9. What a delicious cake!
  10. What a pretty girl!

Exclamations are considered to be a fun way of adding emphasis to your writing and speaking. They can be used to express a variety of emotions such as anger, happiness, excitement, and surprise.

The use of exclamations can make your writing and speaking more exciting and interesting. When using exclamations, you should consider your audience and the situation. For instance, you may want to avoid employing too many exclamations in formal a situation.

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